Home Other Helpful words and phone numbers you might need in Italy

Helpful words and phone numbers you might need in Italy

by MashaP
Stores with a green cross outside of them are pharmacies in Italy

Helpful words and phone numbers you might need in Italy

Useful words and phone numbers you might need during your vacation in Italy.

A few words to the word “help”: Italians told me a couple of times to scream “fuoco” (fire) when you need help. It’s more likely that someone will come and look what’s happening. Fortunately, I can’t confirm this myself.

Useful words: Aiuto! Translation: help

Si : Yes

No: No


PregoYou are welcome

Per favore: Please

Perché? : Why?

Quanto costa? : How much does it cost?

A che ora?: At what time?

Dove e’?:  Where is ?

Dove e’ un tipico ristorante locale?: Where can I find a typical local restaurant?

Mi serve un dottore : I need a doctor.

farmacia: pharmacy

Quando aprono? When do they open?

Quando chiudono? When do they close?

A che ora? At what time?

Another way of communicating here in Italy is with your hands. Shortly, we will do a video of most of the signs and explain their meanings. Hand signs in Italy have specific meanings and if you watch carefully you can even see children communicating in this way.

The numbers to call in case you need help are:

These phone numbers are valid for the whole country, no matter what city your in.

Carabinieri: 112    Carabinieri are like the police, so you can call one or the other.

Ambulance: 118

Police: 113

Firefighters: 115

American Embassy: +39 06 46741

Via Vittorio Veneto 121, 00187 Rome, Italy

Canadian Embassy: 00-800-2326-6831 (dial toll-free) or 613-996-8885 (call collect where available)

Via Zara 30, 00198 Rome, Italy

British Embassy: +39 06 4220 0001

Via XX Settembre 80/a, 00187 Rome, Italy

Australian Embassy: +39 06 852 721

Via Antonio Bosio 5, Rome, Italy

Italian pharmacies

In the Italian pharmacies you’ll find almost everything you can get at home only that they will be

double priced. Should you need antibiotics from the pharmacy then a doctor has to come and

visit you in the hotel if the hotel has one and if not, you’ll have to visit a “studio medico”  – the

doctors studio. This will cost you around 100 euros and the doctor will write you a prescription.

Don’t be afraid and always ask in advance the prices. The best thing is to bring along the things

you usually need from your own country.

Stores with a green cross outside of them are pharmacies in Italy

A green cross which can be in different shapes or sizes means that the store is a pharmacy 

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